Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará Santarém, 23 de Julho de 2024

Resumo do Componente Curricular

Dados Gerais do Componente Curricular
Tipo do Componente Curricular: MÓDULO
Código: PSND0007
Carga Horária Teórica: 45 h.
Carga Horária Prática: 0 h.
Carga Horária de Ead: 0 h.
Carga Horária Total: 45 h.
Excluir da Avaliação Institucional: Não
Matriculável On-Line: Sim
Horário Flexível da Turma: Sim
Horário Flexível do Docente: Sim
Obrigatoriedade de Nota Final: Sim
Pode Criar Turma Sem Solicitação: Não
Necessita de Orientador: Não
Exige Horário: Sim
Permite CH Compartilhada: Não
Quantidade de Avaliações: 3
Ementa/Descrição: Sustainability strategies (INSPER led); Supply chain management (INSPER led); Design thinking (INSPER led); Innovation (UFOPA led); 1) Inclusive innovation 2) Frugal innovation Frugal innovation (UFOPA led); Amazon fisheries, community management and sustainable supply chain – the pirarucu (UFOPA led) 1) The traditional Amazon Supply Chain and the role of fisheries: Colonial Period to 1985; 2) Development of Modern Commercial Fisheries and development of community lake management 1985-2015 3) Development of the supply chain for managed pirarucu: 1999-present, 4) Constructing the supply chain for sustainably managed pirarucu: Santarém, PA
Referências: Required reading 1. Porter, M.; Kramer, M. Creating Shared Value. Harvard Business Review, 89 (1/2): 62-77. 2011. 2. Hart, S. L., & Milstein, M. B. (2003). Creating sustainable value. Academy of Management Perspectives, 17(2), 56-67. 3. Sachs, J. (2015). The Age of Sustainable Development. New York: Columbia University Press. 4. Carter, C. R.; Rogers, D. S. (2008). A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving toward new theory. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(5), 360–387. 5. Messmann, L., Zender, V., Thorenz, A., & Tuma, A. (2020). How to quantify social impacts in strategic supply chain optimization: State of the art. Journal of Cleaner Production, 257. Optional Reading 6. Anderies, J. M., Folke, C., Walker, B., & Ostrom, E. (2013). Aligning Key Concepts for Global Change Policy: Robustness, Resilience, and Sustainability. Ecology and Society, 18(2). 7. Sterman, J. D. (2012). Sustaining sustainability: creating a systems science in a fragmented academy and polarized world. In: Sustainability Science (pp. 21-58). Springer, New York, NY. 8. Potoski, M. and Prakash, A. (2004), The Regulation Dilemma: Cooperation and Conflict in Environmental Governance. Public Administration Review, 64: 152-163. 9. Blomkamp, E. (2018), The Promise of Co-Design for Public Policy. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77: 729-743. 10. McGann, M., Blomkamp, E. & Lewis, J.M. (2018). The rise of public sector innovation labs: experiments in design thinking for policy. Policy Sciences 51:249. 11. Open Policy Making Toolkit. UK Government (2019). Disponível em: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/open-policy-making-toolkit

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