
Main goal
The Forest Engineering course has the general objective of training professionals with continuous resources based on scientific knowledge, endowed with ethical awareness, with a critical and global view of the economic, social and cultural situation in the region, aiming at the sustainable use of forests. The trained professional must understand how financial, managerial, managerial and technological, socioeconomic and organizational resources can be used, rationally using the available problems and conserving the environmental study.


Specific objectives
Professional trainers with solid theoretical and practical knowledge in the areas of forestry, forest management, socio-economics, forest management, nature conservation and forestry technology and use. In this way, the course will provide a broad base of information that enables future resources to act in organizations, institutions and enterprises that include the protection/conservation, production/use of renewable natural resources and the socioeconomic protection of the region.


Occupation area
The Forest Engineer has a wide field of work, being able to work in the private sector, in the public sector and in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). In the private sector, he will be able to work in forest management companies, reforestation, in wood and furniture industries, in pulp and paper factories, in environmental projects, in the recovery of degraded areas, in mining companies, in consulting companies and as a professional autonomous. In the public area, it will be able to act in technical and scientific activities, in teaching, research and extension institutions, in environmental protection institutes, in municipal governments and state secretariats, acting in the promotion, management and inspection. NGOs have provided opportunities for professionals in the environmental area, mainly in work related to environmental conservation.

Competencies and Abilities
In accordance with the “Curriculum Guidelines for undergraduate courses in Forestry Engineering”, the course aims to enable professional training that reveals, at least, the following skills and abilities: study technical and economic feasibility, plan, design, specify, supervise, coordinate and guide technically; provide assistance, advice and consultancy; direct companies, perform and supervise related technical services; carry out inspection, expertise, evaluation, arbitration, report and technical opinions; perform a technical position and function; promote standardization, measurement and quality control; act in teaching activities in professional technical education, higher education, research, analysis, experimentation, essays and technical dissemination and extension; knowing and understanding the factors of production and combining them with technical and economic efficiency; apply scientific and technological knowledge; conceiving, designing and analyzing systems, products and processes; identify problems and propose solutions; develop and use new technologies; manage, operate and maintain systems and processes; communicate efficiently in written, oral and graphic forms; work in multidisciplinary teams; assess the impact of professional activities in the social, environmental and economic contexts; knowing and acting in markets of the agro-industrial and agribusiness complex; understand and act in business and community organization and management; act with an entrepreneurial spirit; to know, interact and influence the decision-making processes of agents and institutions, in the management of sectorial policies.



Phone: (93) 2101-4947


Professional Title: BACHAREL EM ENGENHARIA FLORESTAL CNPQ's Knowledge Area: Engenharias Academic Agreement : Not available at this moment Course Modality: Presencial Alternative Address:
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