Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 27/02/2020
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: sala 219 campus amazônia
Dialogues between Economic Literacy and Educational Social Skills: a study of the beliefs and teaching practices in the context of early childhood education



 Beliefs.  Teaching Practices.  Economic Literacy. Educational Social Skills.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem

The present study aimed to characterize teachers’ beliefs and practices in early childhood on economic literacy.  Specifically, we sought to investigate the teaching beliefs and practices about economic literacy (EL), identify the repertoire of educational social skills (ESS) and, finally, investigate the existence of relationships between the repertoire of educational social skills according to the beliefs and economic literacy practices.  The research was carried out with two teachers who work at Pre-I and Pre-II levels, who assist children aged 4 to 5 years at the municipal center for early childhood education (CEMEI – Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil), located in Santarem, Para, Brazil.  As instruments for data production were used: a) a sociodemographic questionnaire; b) a semi-structured interview script;  c) the Interview Script for Teachers' Educational Social Skills (IS-ESS-T) (Bolsoni-Silva et al. 2018);  d) a direct observation script;  the analysis of the semi-structured interview data was performed using the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD), by Lefevre and Lefevre (2003; 2005). The IS-ESS-T data were analyzed using the coding and interpretation instructions specific to that instrument.  The results showed, at first, that: knowledge about EL is still very incipient, and the beliefs expressed about the theme were limited to approximations arising from the common being;  practices that are limited to the dialogue between the teachers and the children were evidenced on some themes that are close to the concepts of EL, but without intentional, effective and systematized actions in the context of the preschool;  teachers' beliefs about EL are circumscribed to shallow conceptions and lacking a theoretical basis, demonstrating that they lack clarity on the concepts related to the theme, so it was not possible to establish a wide network of relationships between the constructs, as there is no  more accurate understanding of the EL precepts. Therefore, the ESS of these teachers are directed to other practices peculiar to the physical and social space of early childhood education; the results indicate that it is possible to establish links between the teachers' ESS and the EL, as long as there are beliefs on the theme that are consistent with their conceptual precepts, so that the ESS are, in fact, aimed at teaching themes related to EL. In view of this, it can be concluded that: i) EL presents itself as a distant reality with regard to the systematic, planned and effective presence in the context of early childhood Education;  ii) the insertion of the theme appears as urgent and necessary in the school curriculum;  iii) it is necessary to invest in teachers’ training, both initial and continuing, so that they can build their beliefs so that the task of educating economically be not delegated only to the family, but also to daycare centers and preschools in the municipality take the responsibility for an integral guided thematic curricula based on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that contribute to the integral development of children in all dimensions, such as intellectual, social, emotional, ethical and moral.

Presidente - 3045967 - IRANI LAUER LELLIS
Interna - 1552900 - IANI DIAS LAUER LEITE
Interno - 2383992 - GILSON CRUZ JUNIOR
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/02/2020 15:34
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