Play, Early childhood education, DCNEI
Considering to play as the main activity that governs the development and learning of children assisted in day care centers and preschools, to play being an integral part of the "curriculum" axis that makes up one of the fields of investigation of the Group of Studies and Research in Early Childhood Education (GEPEI ) from the Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (UFOPA) and, therefore, there is a need to investigate this field of study that is playing. Considering the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, a document that has as its main focus interactions and games as structuring axes in EI, considering the ethical, political and aesthetic principles that should guide the production of knowledge in institutions, this work proposed to investigate the possible changes that have occurred in Early Childhood Education from the year of implementation of this document. This document has the general objective of understanding the repercussions of DCNEI in Brazilian academic-scientific productions that approach the theme of playing in EI, seeking to highlight the concept of play in EI from the analysis of the investigated articles, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education in research, the challenges of discussing/implementing/researching/investigating IE according to the researchers. Studies on the DCNEI and the repercussions on Brazilian academic scientific productions are being carried out through the survey and analysis of these productions on the game in EI present in Brazilian journals with a time frame ranging from 2010 to 2020.To be Based on the general objective of this research, A survey was carried out on the game, in completed studies that resulted in scientific articles inspiring the choice to Arts of the state like the main method of work.