Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 13/08/2021
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala de reuniões do GoogleMeet

Portuguese Language textbook and Law 10.639 / 2003: (ex) inclusion of the black theme in the material of the 6th year of Elementary School


Textbook, Portuguese language, Law 10.639/2003, black theme


PAGES: 143
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

This research, entitled “Portuguese Language Textbook and Law 10.639/2003: (ex) inclusion of the black theme in the material of the 6th year of Elementary School” – aims to investigate the implementation of Law 10.639/2003 in two textbooks of Portuguese Language for the 6th year of Elementary School distributed by the National Textbook Program (PNLD): To live together – Portuguese, by Ana Elisa de Arruda Penteado (2015) and Tecendo Linguagens, by Tania Amaral Oliveira and Lucy Aparecida Melo Araújo (2018 ). Based on authors who discuss racial issues in Brazilian education, such as Gomes (2005), Silva (2005; 2011), Munanga (2005), Amador de Deus (2008), Ribeiro (2013), among others, as well as in the anti-racist educational legislation, this is a bibliographical research that is centered on verifying whether, seventeen years after the institution of the law, the textbook has included or silenced the black theme in school. As this material is widely circulated both inside and outside the school space, books play a leading role in the formation of the individual and can serve as political instruments for the dissemination and/or deconstruction of stereotypes and racist discourses. In this sense, to assess the presence or absence of blacks in the materials, our analysis is directed towards two main aspects that structure the Portuguese language textbook: the texts, proposed activities and the authors. In addition to the work of analyzing the chosen material, it is also intended to present as a proposal for pedagogical intervention, from the books analyzed, a set of didactic strategies that favor Portuguese language teaching with a focus on promoting racial equality in the classroom and advance in the process of critical inclusion of the black theme in school.

Presidente - 1776310 - LUIZ FERNANDO DE FRANCA
Interna - 1708615 - CELIANE SOUSA COSTA
Externa à Instituição - JACQUELINE DA SILVA COSTA
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/07/2021 17:44
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