Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 17/05/2022
TIME: 10:00


Spatial Variability of Physical Attributes and Soil Biology in an Area for the Implementation of an Integration System in the Western Pará Region.


Edaphic entomofauna. Soil quality. Spatial variability.

AREA: Ciências Ambientais

The use of geostatistical analysis helps to assist in the identification of spatial patterns of soil, allowing the consideration of the edaphic fauna present, influencing the indication of better management alternatives. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical attributes with the local entomofauna, considering a Fallow area and Native Forest located in Santarém, western Pará. Sampling grids were assembled by collecting soil samples at depths 0 - 20 cm and 20 - 40 cm, totaling 49 samples per depth and a total of 98 samples per area, to assess the attributes: soil and soil particle density, macro and micro porosity, total porosity, gravimetric and volumetric moisture and resistance to root penetration, and the collection of entomofauna was performed at each sampling point, with pitfall traps. Descriptive Statistical Analysis was performed, Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Redundancy Analysis (RDA) and Geostatistical Analysis, with adjustment of semivariogram models for the characteristics of physical soil attributes using interpolation by Ordinary Kriging and, for the analysis of entomofauna, covariogram models were tested for the families, in order to find the model with the most appropriate parameters, with interpolation by Poisson Kriging. A total of 3,098 insects were collected, 1,710 in the Native Forest area and 1,388 in the Fallow area, from 45 families, belonging to twelve orders. The Native Forest area had a Shannon-Wiener index (H') of 2.68 and the Fallow area, 2.31. The P The Pielou Equitability index was 0.72 for the Native Forest area and 0.61 for the Fallow area. In the PCA analysis, 5 families were found to be associated with macroporosity, total porosity and soil moisture in the Native Forest area. In the Fallow area 6 families showed greater proximity to the soil characteristics volumetric and gravimetric moisture, and also macroporosity and total porosity. In the RDA there was a relationship between the families with the volumetric and gravimetric soil moisture, macroporosity and total porosity, both in the area of Native Forest and Fallow. For the physical attributes of the soil, the models of semivariograms matern, spherical, gaussian and cubic were the best fits studied in the area of Native Forest, while in the Fallow area the gaussian, spherical, exponential, cubic and matern models were the best fits. In the edaphic fauna, the circular, exponential, cubic, spherical and gaussian models were fitted. In the Native Forest area 10 families showed strong spatial dependence, while in the Fallow area 7 families showed IDE above 75%. Analyzing the results obtained, it became possible to observe how the management can act influencing the characteristics of local entomofauna, and by adopting the use of integrated production systems occurs the maintenance and increase of soil quality, favoring the organisms present there.

Externo ao Programa - 1075784 - ELOI GASPARIN
Externo à Instituição - EMERSON CRISTI DE BARROS - UFOPA
Presidente - 1178274 - PATRICIA CHAVES DE OLIVEIRA
Interno - 1796322 - RICARDO SCOLES CANO
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/05/2022 19:30
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