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DATE: 26/06/2024
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala virtual, google meet.

A Caligrafia de Deus: the forms of subalternity that permeate the tale of Márcio Souza


Subalternity. A Caligrafia de Deus. Coloniality.

BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras
SUBÁREA: Literatura Brasileira

The research entitled A Caligrafia de Deus: the forms of subalternity that permeate the tale of Márcio Souza has as general objective to analyze how the subalternity established in the colonized society is transformed into aesthetic elements that structure and form the analyzed tale. Considering that such subalternity can present itself in different configurations, from physical aspects to discourses, we seek to investigate in this study what are the forms, based on stereotypes and intra-plot relationships, that are present throughout the narrative, helping to constitute characters and plot. Starting from this premise, this dissertation proposes the analysis in three parts that will result in chapters. The first chapter will be focused on theoretical concepts, which will assist in the study of subalternity as an element that acts in the internal organization of the work, emphasizing the issue of coloniality and the hierarchy within the subaltern groups, including the question of culture and identity. The purpose of this chapter will be to contextualize the cut that is intended to be made and to present the evidence found throughout the tale to corroborate the theses. The second chapter, which is being presented here, brings an analysis of the forms of subalternity in the female context, based on the study of the female characters that are presented in the tale. We seek to point out how some stereotypes attributed to women in society contribute to female subordination; and, in what way this happens in the construction of Márcio Souza's narrative. Finally, the last chapter will aim to investigate the issue of subalternity in the male condition, analyzing the male characters in circumstances of marginalization, equal to those of women, in a colonial environment. As a framework for the intended research, the methodology takes into account the studies of Antonio Cândido (2006) on the dialectic between literature and society, where he elucidates about the external factor becoming internal to the work. In the theoretical argument, we turn to Gayatri Spivak (2010) and Antonio Gramsci (2007) to talk about subalternity; Aníbal Quijano (2005) bases the studies on coloniality; Homi K. Bhabha (1998) and Silviano Santiago (2000) are the guides to deal with the issue of identity and culture; on the feminine, we are based on bel hooks (2022) and Djamila Ribeiro (2020), who discuss the place of women's speech in society, as well as Eliane Potiguara (2018), who gives voice to the conditions of women as indigenous.

Presidente - 479459 - ODENILDO QUEIROZ DE SOUSA
Interno - 1706851 - RAINERIO DOS SANTOS LIMA
Externo à Instituição - ALLISON MARCOS LEAO DA SILVA - UEA
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/06/2024 14:25
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