Teacher training; education of ethnic-racial relations; resume; pedagogy courses.
The research investigates the training of teachers for the teaching of ethnic-racial relations, with the aim of analyzing the teaching of Ethnic-racial Relations Education (ERER) in the Pedagogy courses of four public universities located in the State of Pará (Federal University of Pará). Pará - UFPA, Federal University of the West of Pará - UFOPA, Federal Rural University of the Amazon - UFRA and Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará -UNIFESSPA) in the perspective of Law No. 11,645/08 and pursuant to Resolution CNE/CP 01/2004. The aim is to unveil: To what extent has the inclusion of teaching for the education of ethnic-racial relations in the curriculum of Pedagogy courses at public universities in the State of Pará has contributed to qualifying teachers to promote anti-racist education? For this, we used bibliographical and documental research, in which we sought to understand educational policies for ethnic-racial themes from the 1990s onwards, their advances, limits and contradictions through a survey of academic productions on the researched object. . Examine the documents produced by public higher education institutions in Pará, such as the Pedagogical Course Projects (PPC), especially on the inclusion of ERER teaching, investigating in the pedagogy courses syllabi of public institutions in Pará whether or not they include the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous history and culture in the light of Law 11.645/08 and; know the training of teachers who teach the contents of the ERER and what their knowledge and opinions about the inclusion of this policy in teacher training and what they teach to qualify future professionals to work in the field of ethnic-racial relations through the application of questionnaires to the professors who teach subjects about the ERER in the respective courses. The partial results indicate that the presence of subjects related to ethnic-racial issues in the course of formation of the courses, seek to satisfy the legal demands in an isolated and protocol way, without incorporating in the institutional demands the perspective of an anti-racist education.