Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 23/10/2019
HORA: 17:00
LOCAL: H 304
The University-School relantionship in the institutional program of teaching initiation - PIBID: A study from theses
 and dissertations


PIBID; university-school relationship; mapping and analysis of dissertations and theses.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

University and school are indispensable spaces in teacher education, but their integration has historically been marked by a vertical relationship. However, in Brazil, since the 1990s, through studies, research and teacher education policies, a more collaborative relationship has been advocated. In turn, the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships - PIBID, created in 2007 by Decree No. 38 of the Ministry of Education, is one of the main programs in this sense, as it fosters the enhancement of teaching and the initiation of teaching through of a collaborative network between the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - CAPES, the Higher Education Institutions - IES and the schools of the public basic education network. In it the teachers of basic education participate as co-trainers of the undergraduates together with the teachers of the university. Given the relevance of this program and the fact that there is already a significant number of researches about it, this research aims to map the theses and dissertations of the CAPES Catalog that focus on the university-school relationship in the context of PIBID, as well as analyze how it has If such a relationship is constituted, what do the dissertations and theses point out about this important dimension of the Program? In this scope, the present research is bibliographic, approaching the state of knowledge by, according to Romanowski and Ens (2006), conducting a survey and evaluation of knowledge on a theme having only one source, in this case the Catalog of Theses and CAPES dissertations, and take as object of study only dissertations and theses that investigated the university-school relationship within PIBID, from 2012 to 2018. The survey, based on the descriptors “Pibid” and “university-school relationship”, in the CAPES Catalog of Theses and Dissertations, led us to 822 researches, however, proceeding to the analysis of titles, abstracts and keywords, Only 117 investigations in fact related to the focus sought were identified. In turn, these were submitted to a new analysis, in which, in addition to an analytical reading of the abstract, supported by a questionnaire, it was assessed to what extent the work focused on the university-school relationship within Pibid, and also consulted the integral work, analyzing summary, introduction and main results. Such procedures made it possible, based on the Likert scale and Phrase Completion, to establish the following classification and organization by level of relationship with the question sought: 33 (thirty-three) small-scale research, only making inferences without deepening the issue; 36 (thirty six) of medium relation, showing unveiling about the university-school relationship, although they did not focus on it; 21 (twenty one), great relation, elucidating the question in one of the specific objectives or in a (sub) section; 17 (seventeen), very large relationship, focusing on the theme by associated / related terms; and ten of total relation, presenting the question in its general objective, constituting the main objects of study of this research. About the dissertations and theses of total relation, we intend to elucidate the main aspects addressed of the university-school relationship in Pibid, the most cited authors, the methodologies used, among other dimensions, analyzing the convergences and divergences about the unveiling of how it has been constituted. the university-school relationship in PIBID. The ongoing investigation presents the mapping of the 117 researches raised and the explanation of thematic, theoretical-methodological aspects and main results of the dissertations and theses of "total relation". Thus, its relevance is to add to the organization of the many existing studies on this Teaching Appreciation Program that is mainly carried out by the partnership between higher education institutions and schools of the public basic education network

Interno - 1432784 - JOSE RICARDO E SOUZA MAFRA
Externa ao Programa - 1782909 - CLAUDIA SILVA DE CASTRO
Externa ao Programa - 2408310 - MARIA ANTONIA VIDAL FERREIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/10/2019 11:32
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